Source code for eemeter.caltrack.usage_per_day

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

   Copyright 2014-2023 OpenEEmeter contributors

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

from collections import Counter, namedtuple
import traceback

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

from ..exceptions import MissingModelParameterError, UnrecognizedModelTypeError
from ..features import compute_temperature_features
from ..metrics import ModelMetrics
from ..transform import day_counts, overwrite_partial_rows_with_nan
from ..warnings import EEMeterWarning

__all__ = (

ModelPrediction = namedtuple("ModelPrediction", ["result", "design_matrix", "warnings"])

def _noneify(value):
    if value is None:
        return None
    return None if np.isnan(value) else value

[docs]class CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults(object): """Contains information about the chosen model. Attributes ---------- status : :any:`str` A string indicating the status of this result. Possible statuses: - ``'NO DATA'``: No baseline data was available. - ``'NO MODEL'``: No candidate models qualified. - ``'SUCCESS'``: A qualified candidate model was chosen. method_name : :any:`str` The name of the method used to fit the baseline model. model : :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` or :any:`None` The selected candidate model, if any. r_squared_adj : :any:`float` The adjusted r-squared of the selected model. candidates : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A list of any model candidates encountered during the model selection and fitting process. warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` A list of any warnings reported during the model selection and fitting process. metadata : :any:`dict` An arbitrary dictionary of metadata to be associated with this result. This can be used, for example, to tag the results with attributes like an ID:: { 'id': 'METER_12345678', } settings : :any:`dict` A dictionary of settings used by the method. totals_metrics : :any:`ModelMetrics` A ModelMetrics object, if one is calculated and associated with this model. (This initializes to None.) The ModelMetrics object contains model fit information and descriptive statistics about the underlying data, with that data expressed as period totals. avgs_metrics : :any:`ModelMetrics` A ModelMetrics object, if one is calculated and associated with this model. (This initializes to None.) The ModelMetrics object contains model fit information and descriptive statistics about the underlying data, with that data expressed as daily averages. """ def __init__( self, status, method_name, interval=None, model=None, r_squared_adj=None, candidates=None, warnings=None, metadata=None, settings=None, ): self.status = status # NO DATA | NO MODEL | SUCCESS self.method_name = method_name self.interval = interval self.model = model self.r_squared_adj = r_squared_adj if candidates is None: candidates = [] self.candidates = candidates if warnings is None: warnings = [] self.warnings = warnings if metadata is None: metadata = {} self.metadata = metadata if settings is None: settings = {} self.settings = settings self.totals_metrics = None self.avgs_metrics = None def __repr__(self): return ( "CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults(status='{}', method_name='{}'," " r_squared_adj={})".format( self.status, self.method_name, self.r_squared_adj ) )
[docs] def json(self, with_candidates=False): """Return a JSON-serializable representation of this result. The output of this function can be converted to a serialized string with :any:`json.dumps`. """ def _json_or_none(obj): return None if obj is None else obj.json() data = { "status": self.status, "method_name": self.method_name, "interval": self.interval, "model": _json_or_none(self.model), "r_squared_adj": _noneify(self.r_squared_adj), "warnings": [w.json() for w in self.warnings], "metadata": self.metadata, "settings": self.settings, "totals_metrics": _json_or_none(self.totals_metrics), "avgs_metrics": _json_or_none(self.avgs_metrics), "candidates": None, } if with_candidates: data["candidates"] = [candidate.json() for candidate in self.candidates] return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data): """Loads a JSON-serializable representation into the model state. The input of this function is a dict which can be the result of :any:`json.loads`. """ # "model" is a CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel that was serialized model = None d = data.get("model") if d: model = CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.from_json(d) c = cls( data.get("status"), data.get("method_name"), interval=data.get("interval"), model=model, r_squared_adj=data.get("r_squared_adj"), candidates=data.get("candidates"), warnings=data.get("warnings"), metadata=data.get("metadata"), settings=data.get("settings"), ) # Note the metrics do not contain all the data needed # for reconstruction (like the input pandas) ... d = data.get("avgs_metrics") if d: c.avgs_metrics = ModelMetrics.from_json(d) d = data.get("totals_metrics") if d: c.totals_metrics = ModelMetrics.from_json(d) return c
def predict( self, prediction_index, temperature_data, with_disaggregated=False, with_design_matrix=False, **kwargs ): return self.model.predict( prediction_index, temperature_data, with_disaggregated=with_disaggregated, with_design_matrix=with_design_matrix, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot( self, ax=None, title=None, figsize=None, with_candidates=False, candidate_alpha=None, temp_range=None, ): """Plot a model fit. Parameters ---------- ax : :any:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Existing axes to plot on. title : :any:`str`, optional Chart title. figsize : :any:`tuple`, optional (width, height) of chart. with_candidates : :any:`bool` If True, also plot candidate models. candidate_alpha : :any:`float` between 0 and 1 Transparency at which to plot candidate models. 0 fully transparent, 1 fully opaque. Returns ------- ax : :any:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting.") if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 4) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if temp_range is None: temp_range = (20, 90) if with_candidates: for candidate in self.candidates: candidate.plot(ax=ax, temp_range=temp_range, alpha=candidate_alpha) self.model.plot(ax=ax, best=True, temp_range=temp_range) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return ax
[docs]class CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel(object): """Contains information about a candidate model. Attributes ---------- model_type : :any:`str` The type of model, e..g., :code:`'hdd_only'`. formula : :any:`str` The R-style formula for the design matrix of this model, e.g., :code:`'meter_value ~ hdd_65'`. status : :any:`str` A string indicating the status of this model. Possible statuses: - ``'NOT ATTEMPTED'``: Candidate model not fitted due to an issue encountered in data before attempt. - ``'ERROR'``: A fatal error occurred during model fit process. - ``'DISQUALIFIED'``: The candidate model fit was disqualified from the model selection process because of a decision made after candidate model fit completed, e.g., a bad fit, or a parameter out of acceptable range. - ``'QUALIFIED'``: The candidate model fit is acceptable and can be considered during model selection. model_params : :any:`dict`, default :any:`None` A flat dictionary of model parameters which must be serializable using the :any:`json.dumps` method. model : :any:`object` The raw model (if any) used in fitting. Not serialized. result : :any:`object` The raw modeling result (if any) returned by the `model`. Not serialized. r_squared_adj : :any:`float` The adjusted r-squared of the candidate model. warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` A list of any warnings reported during creation of the candidate model. """ def __init__( self, model_type, formula, status, model_params=None, model=None, result=None, r_squared_adj=None, warnings=None, ): self.model_type = model_type self.formula = formula self.status = status # NOT ATTEMPTED | ERROR | QUALIFIED | DISQUALIFIED self.model = model self.result = result self.r_squared_adj = r_squared_adj if model_params is None: model_params = {} self.model_params = model_params if warnings is None: warnings = [] self.warnings = warnings def __repr__(self): return ( "CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel(model_type='{}', formula='{}', status='{}'," " r_squared_adj={})".format( self.model_type, self.formula, self.status, round(self.r_squared_adj, 3) if self.r_squared_adj is not None else None, ) )
[docs] def json(self): """Return a JSON-serializable representation of this result. The output of this function can be converted to a serialized string with :any:`json.dumps`. """ return { "model_type": self.model_type, "formula": self.formula, "status": self.status, "model_params": self.model_params, "r_squared_adj": _noneify(self.r_squared_adj), "warnings": [w.json() for w in self.warnings], }
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data): """Loads a JSON-serializable representation into the model state. The input of this function is a dict which can be the result of :any:`json.loads`. """ c = cls( data.get("model_type"), data.get("formula"), data.get("status"), model_params=data.get("model_params"), r_squared_adj=data.get("r_squared_adj"), warnings=data.get("warnings"), ) return c
[docs] def predict( self, prediction_index, temperature_data, with_disaggregated=False, with_design_matrix=False, **kwargs ): """Predict""" return caltrack_usage_per_day_predict( self.model_type, self.model_params, prediction_index, temperature_data, with_disaggregated=with_disaggregated, with_design_matrix=with_design_matrix, **kwargs )
[docs] def plot( self, best=False, ax=None, title=None, figsize=None, temp_range=None, alpha=None, **kwargs ): """Plot""" return plot_caltrack_candidate( self, best=best, ax=ax, title=title, figsize=figsize, temp_range=temp_range, alpha=alpha, **kwargs )
[docs]class DataSufficiency(object): """Contains the result of a data sufficiency check. Attributes ---------- status : :any:`str` A string indicating the status of this result. Possible statuses: - ``'NO DATA'``: No baseline data was available. - ``'FAIL'``: Data did not meet criteria. - ``'PASS'``: Data met criteria. criteria_name : :any:`str` The name of the criteria method used to check for baseline data sufficiency. warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` A list of any warnings reported during the check for baseline data sufficiency. data : :any:`dict` A dictionary of data related to determining whether a warning should be generated. settings : :any:`dict` A dictionary of settings (keyword arguments) used. """ def __init__(self, status, criteria_name, warnings=None, data=None, settings=None): self.status = status # NO DATA | FAIL | PASS self.criteria_name = criteria_name if warnings is None: warnings = [] self.warnings = warnings if data is None: data = {} = data if settings is None: settings = {} self.settings = settings def __repr__(self): return ( "DataSufficiency(" "status='{status}', criteria_name='{criteria_name}')".format( status=self.status, criteria_name=self.criteria_name ) )
[docs] def json(self): """Return a JSON-serializable representation of this result. The output of this function can be converted to a serialized string with :any:`json.dumps`. """ return { "status": self.status, "criteria_name": self.criteria_name, "warnings": [w.json() for w in self.warnings], "data":, "settings": self.settings, }
def _get_parameter_or_raise(model_type, model_params, param): try: return model_params[param] except KeyError: raise MissingModelParameterError( '"{}" parameter required for model_type: {}'.format(param, model_type) ) def _caltrack_predict_design_matrix( model_type, model_params, data, disaggregated=False, input_averages=False, output_averages=False, ): """An internal CalTRACK predict method for use with a design matrix of the form used in model fitting. Given a set model type, parameters, and daily temperatures, return model predictions. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). model_params : :any:`dict` Parameters as stored in :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.model_params`. data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` Data over which to predict. Assumed to be like the format of the data used for fitting, although it need only have the columns. If not giving data with a `pandas.DatetimeIndex` it must have the column `n_days`, representing the number of days per prediction period (otherwise inferred from DatetimeIndex). disaggregated : :any:`bool`, optional If True, return results as a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` with columns ``'base_load'``, ``'heating_load'``, and ``'cooling_load'`` input_averages : :any:`bool`, optional If HDD and CDD columns expressed as period totals, select False. If HDD and CDD columns expressed as period averages, select True. If prediction period is daily, results should be the same either way. Matters for billing. output_averages : :any:`bool`, optional If True, prediction returned as averages (not totals). If False, returned as totals. Returns ------- prediction : :any:`pandas.Series` or :any:`pandas.DataFrame` Returns results as series unless ``disaggregated=True``. """ zeros = pd.Series(0, index=data.index) ones = zeros + 1 if isinstance(data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): days_per_period = day_counts(data.index) else: try: days_per_period = data["n_days"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Data needs DatetimeIndex or an n_days column.") # TODO(philngo): handle different degree day methods and hourly temperatures if model_type in ["intercept_only", "hdd_only", "cdd_only", "cdd_hdd"]: intercept = _get_parameter_or_raise(model_type, model_params, "intercept") if output_averages == False: base_load = intercept * days_per_period else: base_load = intercept * ones elif model_type is None: raise ValueError("Model not valid for prediction: model_type=None") else: raise UnrecognizedModelTypeError( "invalid caltrack model type: {}".format(model_type) ) if model_type in ["hdd_only", "cdd_hdd"]: beta_hdd = _get_parameter_or_raise(model_type, model_params, "beta_hdd") heating_balance_point = _get_parameter_or_raise( model_type, model_params, "heating_balance_point" ) hdd_column_name = "hdd_%s" % heating_balance_point hdd = data[hdd_column_name] if input_averages == True and output_averages == False: heating_load = hdd * beta_hdd * days_per_period elif input_averages == True and output_averages == True: heating_load = hdd * beta_hdd elif input_averages == False and output_averages == False: heating_load = hdd * beta_hdd else: heating_load = hdd * beta_hdd / days_per_period else: heating_load = zeros if model_type in ["cdd_only", "cdd_hdd"]: beta_cdd = _get_parameter_or_raise(model_type, model_params, "beta_cdd") cooling_balance_point = _get_parameter_or_raise( model_type, model_params, "cooling_balance_point" ) cdd_column_name = "cdd_%s" % cooling_balance_point cdd = data[cdd_column_name] if input_averages == True and output_averages == False: cooling_load = cdd * beta_cdd * days_per_period elif input_averages == True and output_averages == True: cooling_load = cdd * beta_cdd elif input_averages == False and output_averages == False: cooling_load = cdd * beta_cdd else: cooling_load = cdd * beta_cdd / days_per_period else: cooling_load = zeros # If any of the rows of input data contained NaNs, restore the NaNs # Note: If data contains ANY NaNs at all, this declares the entire row a NaN. # TODO(philngo): Consider making this more nuanced. def _restore_nans(load): load = load[data.sum(axis=1, skipna=False).notnull()].reindex(data.index) return load base_load = _restore_nans(base_load) heating_load = _restore_nans(heating_load) cooling_load = _restore_nans(cooling_load) if disaggregated: return pd.DataFrame( { "base_load": base_load, "heating_load": heating_load, "cooling_load": cooling_load, } ) else: return base_load + heating_load + cooling_load
[docs]def caltrack_usage_per_day_predict( model_type, model_params, prediction_index, temperature_data, degree_day_method="daily", with_disaggregated=False, with_design_matrix=False, ): """CalTRACK predict method. Given a model type, parameters, hourly temperatures, a :any:`pandas.DatetimeIndex` index over which to predict meter usage, return model predictions as totals for the period (so billing period totals, daily totals, etc.). Optionally include the computed design matrix or disaggregated usage in the output dataframe. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). model_params : :any:`dict` Parameters as stored in :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.model_params`. temperature_data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` Hourly temperature data to use for prediction. Time period should match the ``prediction_index`` argument. prediction_index : :any:`pandas.DatetimeIndex` Time period over which to predict. with_disaggregated : :any:`bool`, optional If True, return results as a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` with columns ``'base_load'``, ``'heating_load'``, and ``'cooling_load'``. with_design_matrix : :any:`bool`, optional If True, return results as a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` with columns ``'n_days'``, ``'n_days_dropped'``, ``n_days_kept``, and ``temperature_mean``. Returns ------- prediction : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` Columns are as follows: - ``predicted_usage``: Predicted usage values computed to match ``prediction_index``. - ``base_load``: modeled base load (only for ``with_disaggregated=True``). - ``cooling_load``: modeled cooling load (only for ``with_disaggregated=True``). - ``heating_load``: modeled heating load (only for ``with_disaggregated=True``). - ``n_days``: number of days in period (only for ``with_design_matrix=True``). - ``n_days_dropped``: number of days dropped because of insufficient data (only for ``with_design_matrix=True``). - ``n_days_kept``: number of days kept because of sufficient data (only for ``with_design_matrix=True``). - ``temperature_mean``: mean temperature during given period. (only for ``with_design_matrix=True``). predict_warnings: :any: list of EEMeterWarning if any. """ if model_params is None: raise MissingModelParameterError("model_params is None.") predict_warnings = [] cooling_balance_points = [] heating_balance_points = [] if "cooling_balance_point" in model_params: cooling_balance_points.append(model_params["cooling_balance_point"]) if "heating_balance_point" in model_params: heating_balance_points.append(model_params["heating_balance_point"]) design_matrix = compute_temperature_features( prediction_index, temperature_data, heating_balance_points=heating_balance_points, cooling_balance_points=cooling_balance_points, degree_day_method=degree_day_method, use_mean_daily_values=False, ) if degree_day_method == "daily": design_matrix["n_days"] = ( design_matrix.n_days_kept + design_matrix.n_days_dropped ) else: design_matrix["n_days"] = ( design_matrix.n_hours_kept + design_matrix.n_hours_dropped ) / 24 if design_matrix.dropna().empty: if with_disaggregated: empty_columns = { "predicted_usage": [], "base_load": [], "heating_load": [], "cooling_load": [], } else: empty_columns = {"predicted_usage": []} if with_design_matrix: empty_columns.update({col: [] for col in design_matrix.columns}) predict_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=("eemeter.caltrack.compute_temperature_features"), description=( "Design matrix empty, compute_temperature_features failed" ), data={"temperature_data": temperature_data}, ) ) return ModelPrediction( pd.DataFrame(empty_columns), design_matrix=pd.DataFrame(), warnings=predict_warnings, ) results = _caltrack_predict_design_matrix( model_type, model_params, design_matrix, input_averages=False, output_averages=False, ).to_frame("predicted_usage") if with_disaggregated: disaggregated = _caltrack_predict_design_matrix( model_type, model_params, design_matrix, disaggregated=True, input_averages=False, output_averages=False, ) results = results.join(disaggregated) if with_design_matrix: results = results.join(design_matrix) return ModelPrediction( result=results, design_matrix=design_matrix, warnings=predict_warnings )
[docs]def get_too_few_non_zero_degree_day_warning( model_type, balance_point, degree_day_type, degree_days, minimum_non_zero ): """Return an empty list or a single warning wrapped in a list regarding non-zero degree days for a set of degree days. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). balance_point : :any:`float` The balance point in question. degree_day_type : :any:`str` The type of degree days (``'cdd'`` or ``'hdd'``). degree_days : :any:`pandas.Series` A series of degree day values. minimum_non_zero : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero degree day values. Returns ------- warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` Empty list or list of single warning. """ warnings = [] n_non_zero = int((degree_days > 0).sum()) if n_non_zero < minimum_non_zero: warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_daily.{model_type}.too_few_non_zero_{degree_day_type}".format( model_type=model_type, degree_day_type=degree_day_type ) ), description=( "Number of non-zero daily {degree_day_type} values below accepted minimum." " Candidate fit not attempted.".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type.upper() ) ), data={ "n_non_zero_{degree_day_type}".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): n_non_zero, "minimum_non_zero_{degree_day_type}".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): minimum_non_zero, "{degree_day_type}_balance_point".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): balance_point, }, ) ) return warnings
[docs]def get_total_degree_day_too_low_warning( model_type, balance_point, degree_day_type, avg_degree_days, period_days, minimum_total, ): """Return an empty list or a single warning wrapped in a list regarding the total summed degree day values. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). balance_point : :any:`float` The balance point in question. degree_day_type : :any:`str` The type of degree days (``'cdd'`` or ``'hdd'``). avg_degree_days : :any:`pandas.Series` A series of degree day values. period_days : :any:`pandas.Series` A series of containing day counts. minimum_total : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of degree day values. Returns ------- warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` Empty list or list of single warning. """ warnings = [] total_degree_days = (avg_degree_days * period_days).sum() if total_degree_days < minimum_total: warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_daily.{model_type}.total_{degree_day_type}_too_low".format( model_type=model_type, degree_day_type=degree_day_type ) ), description=( "Total {degree_day_type} below accepted minimum." " Candidate fit not attempted.".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type.upper() ) ), data={ "total_{degree_day_type}".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): total_degree_days, "total_{degree_day_type}_minimum".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): minimum_total, "{degree_day_type}_balance_point".format( degree_day_type=degree_day_type ): balance_point, }, ) ) return warnings
[docs]def get_parameter_negative_warning(model_type, model_params, parameter): """Return an empty list or a single warning wrapped in a list indicating whether model parameter is negative. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). model_params : :any:`dict` Parameters as stored in :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.model_params`. parameter : :any:`str` The name of the parameter, e.g., ``'intercept'``. Returns ------- warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` Empty list or list of single warning. """ warnings = [] if model_params.get(parameter, 0) < 0: warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_daily.{model_type}.{parameter}_negative".format( model_type=model_type, parameter=parameter ) ), description=( "Model fit {parameter} parameter is negative. Candidate model rejected.".format( parameter=parameter ) ), data=model_params, ) ) return warnings
[docs]def get_parameter_p_value_too_high_warning( model_type, model_params, parameter, p_value, maximum_p_value ): """Return an empty list or a single warning wrapped in a list indicating whether model parameter p-value is too high. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). model_params : :any:`dict` Parameters as stored in :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.model_params`. parameter : :any:`str` The name of the parameter, e.g., ``'intercept'``. p_value : :any:`float` The p-value of the parameter. maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the parameter. Returns ------- warnings : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning` Empty list or list of single warning. """ warnings = [] if p_value > maximum_p_value: data = { "{}_p_value".format(parameter): p_value, "{}_maximum_p_value".format(parameter): maximum_p_value, } data.update(model_params) warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_daily.{model_type}.{parameter}_p_value_too_high".format( model_type=model_type, parameter=parameter ) ), description=( "Model fit {parameter} p-value is too high. Candidate model rejected.".format( parameter=parameter ) ), data=data, ) ) return warnings
def get_fit_failed_candidate_model(model_type, formula): """Return a Candidate model that indicates the fitting routine failed. Parameters ---------- model_type : :any:`str` Model type (e.g., ``'cdd_hdd'``). formula : :any:`float` The candidate model formula. Returns ------- candidate_model : :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` Candidate model instance with status ``'ERROR'``, and warning with traceback. """ warnings = [ EEMeterWarning( qualified_name="eemeter.caltrack_daily.{}.model_results".format(model_type), description=( "Error encountered in statsmodels.formula.api.ols method. (Empty data?)" ), data={"traceback": traceback.format_exc()}, ) ] return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status="ERROR", warnings=warnings )
[docs]def get_intercept_only_candidate_models(data, weights_col): """Return a list of a single candidate intercept-only model. Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value``. DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. Returns ------- candidate_models : :any:`list` of :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` List containing a single intercept-only candidate model. """ model_type = "intercept_only" formula = "meter_value ~ 1" if weights_col is None: weights = 1 else: weights = data[weights_col] try: model = smf.wls(formula=formula, data=data, weights=weights) except Exception as e: return [get_fit_failed_candidate_model(model_type, formula)] result = # CalTrack model_params = {"intercept": result.params["Intercept"]} model_warnings = [] # CalTrack for parameter in ["intercept"]: model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_negative_warning(model_type, model_params, parameter) ) if len(model_warnings) > 0: status = "DISQUALIFIED" else: status = "QUALIFIED" return [ CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status=status, warnings=model_warnings, model_params=model_params, model=model, result=result, r_squared_adj=0, ) ]
[docs]def get_single_cdd_only_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_total_cdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, balance_point, ): """Return a single candidate cdd-only model for a particular balance point. Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and ``cdd_<balance_point>`` DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_cdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero cooling degree day values. minimum_total_cdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of cooling degree day values. beta_cdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta cdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. balance_point : :any:`float` The cooling balance point for this model. Returns ------- candidate_model : :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A single cdd-only candidate model, with any associated warnings. """ model_type = "cdd_only" cdd_column = "cdd_%s" % balance_point formula = "meter_value ~ %s" % cdd_column if weights_col is None: weights = 1 else: weights = data[weights_col] period_days = weights degree_day_warnings = [] degree_day_warnings.extend( get_total_degree_day_too_low_warning( model_type, balance_point, "cdd", data[cdd_column], period_days, minimum_total_cdd, ) ) degree_day_warnings.extend( get_too_few_non_zero_degree_day_warning( model_type, balance_point, "cdd", data[cdd_column], minimum_non_zero_cdd ) ) if len(degree_day_warnings) > 0: return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status="NOT ATTEMPTED", warnings=degree_day_warnings, ) try: model = smf.wls(formula=formula, data=data, weights=weights) except Exception as e: return get_fit_failed_candidate_model(model_type, formula) result = r_squared_adj = result.rsquared_adj beta_cdd_p_value = result.pvalues[cdd_column] # CalTrack model_params = { "intercept": result.params["Intercept"], "beta_cdd": result.params[cdd_column], "cooling_balance_point": balance_point, } model_warnings = [] # CalTrack for parameter in ["intercept", "beta_cdd"]: model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_negative_warning(model_type, model_params, parameter) ) model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_p_value_too_high_warning( model_type, model_params, parameter, beta_cdd_p_value, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, ) ) if len(model_warnings) > 0: status = "DISQUALIFIED" else: status = "QUALIFIED" return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status=status, warnings=model_warnings, model_params=model_params, model=model, result=result, r_squared_adj=r_squared_adj, )
[docs]def get_cdd_only_candidate_models( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_total_cdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col ): """Return a list of all possible candidate cdd-only models. Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and 1 to n columns with names of the form ``cdd_<balance_point>``. All columns with names of this form will be used to fit a candidate model. DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_cdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero cooling degree day values. minimum_total_cdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of cooling degree day values. beta_cdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta cdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. Returns ------- candidate_models : :any:`list` of :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A list of cdd-only candidate models, with any associated warnings. """ balance_points = [int(col[4:]) for col in data.columns if col.startswith("cdd")] candidate_models = [ get_single_cdd_only_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_total_cdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, balance_point, ) for balance_point in balance_points ] return candidate_models
[docs]def get_single_hdd_only_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, balance_point, ): """Return a single candidate hdd-only model for a particular balance point. Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and ``hdd_<balance_point>`` DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_hdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero heating degree day values. minimum_total_hdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of heating degree day values. beta_hdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta hdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. balance_point : :any:`float` The heating balance point for this model. Returns ------- candidate_model : :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A single hdd-only candidate model, with any associated warnings. """ model_type = "hdd_only" hdd_column = "hdd_%s" % balance_point formula = "meter_value ~ %s" % hdd_column if weights_col is None: weights = 1 else: weights = data[weights_col] period_days = weights degree_day_warnings = [] degree_day_warnings.extend( get_total_degree_day_too_low_warning( model_type, balance_point, "hdd", data[hdd_column], period_days, minimum_total_hdd, ) ) degree_day_warnings.extend( get_too_few_non_zero_degree_day_warning( model_type, balance_point, "hdd", data[hdd_column], minimum_non_zero_hdd ) ) if len(degree_day_warnings) > 0: return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status="NOT ATTEMPTED", warnings=degree_day_warnings, ) try: model = smf.wls(formula=formula, data=data, weights=weights) except Exception as e: return get_fit_failed_candidate_model(model_type, formula) result = r_squared_adj = result.rsquared_adj beta_hdd_p_value = result.pvalues[hdd_column] # CalTrack model_params = { "intercept": result.params["Intercept"], "beta_hdd": result.params[hdd_column], "heating_balance_point": balance_point, } model_warnings = [] # CalTrack for parameter in ["intercept", "beta_hdd"]: model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_negative_warning(model_type, model_params, parameter) ) model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_p_value_too_high_warning( model_type, model_params, parameter, beta_hdd_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, ) ) if len(model_warnings) > 0: status = "DISQUALIFIED" else: status = "QUALIFIED" return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status=status, warnings=model_warnings, model_params=model_params, model=model, result=result, r_squared_adj=r_squared_adj, )
[docs]def get_hdd_only_candidate_models( data, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col ): """ Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and 1 to n columns with names of the form ``hdd_<balance_point>``. All columns with names of this form will be used to fit a candidate model. DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_hdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero heating degree day values. minimum_total_hdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of heating degree day values. beta_hdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta hdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. Returns ------- candidate_models : :any:`list` of :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A list of hdd-only candidate models, with any associated warnings. """ balance_points = [int(col[4:]) for col in data.columns if col.startswith("hdd")] candidate_models = [ get_single_hdd_only_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, balance_point, ) for balance_point in balance_points ] return candidate_models
[docs]def get_single_cdd_hdd_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_cdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, cooling_balance_point, heating_balance_point, ): """Return and fit a single candidate cdd_hdd model for a particular selection of cooling balance point and heating balance point Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and ``hdd_<heating_balance_point>`` and ``cdd_<cooling_balance_point>`` DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_cdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero cooling degree day values. minimum_non_zero_hdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero heating degree day values. minimum_total_cdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of cooling degree day values. minimum_total_hdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of heating degree day values. beta_cdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta cdd parameter. beta_hdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta hdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. cooling_balance_point : :any:`float` The cooling balance point for this model. heating_balance_point : :any:`float` The heating balance point for this model. Returns ------- candidate_model : :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A single cdd-hdd candidate model, with any associated warnings. """ model_type = "cdd_hdd" cdd_column = "cdd_%s" % cooling_balance_point hdd_column = "hdd_%s" % heating_balance_point formula = "meter_value ~ %s + %s" % (cdd_column, hdd_column) n_days_column = None if weights_col is None: weights = 1 else: weights = data[weights_col] period_days = weights degree_day_warnings = [] degree_day_warnings.extend( get_total_degree_day_too_low_warning( model_type, cooling_balance_point, "cdd", data[cdd_column], period_days, minimum_total_cdd, ) ) degree_day_warnings.extend( get_too_few_non_zero_degree_day_warning( model_type, cooling_balance_point, "cdd", data[cdd_column], minimum_non_zero_cdd, ) ) degree_day_warnings.extend( get_total_degree_day_too_low_warning( model_type, heating_balance_point, "hdd", data[hdd_column], period_days, minimum_total_hdd, ) ) degree_day_warnings.extend( get_too_few_non_zero_degree_day_warning( model_type, heating_balance_point, "hdd", data[hdd_column], minimum_non_zero_hdd, ) ) if len(degree_day_warnings) > 0: return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type, formula, "NOT ATTEMPTED", warnings=degree_day_warnings ) try: model = smf.wls(formula=formula, data=data, weights=weights) except Exception as e: return get_fit_failed_candidate_model(model_type, formula) result = r_squared_adj = result.rsquared_adj beta_cdd_p_value = result.pvalues[cdd_column] beta_hdd_p_value = result.pvalues[hdd_column] # CalTrack model_params = { "intercept": result.params["Intercept"], "beta_cdd": result.params[cdd_column], "beta_hdd": result.params[hdd_column], "cooling_balance_point": cooling_balance_point, "heating_balance_point": heating_balance_point, } model_warnings = [] # CalTrack for parameter in ["intercept", "beta_cdd", "beta_hdd"]: model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_negative_warning(model_type, model_params, parameter) ) model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_p_value_too_high_warning( model_type, model_params, parameter, beta_cdd_p_value, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, ) ) model_warnings.extend( get_parameter_p_value_too_high_warning( model_type, model_params, parameter, beta_hdd_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, ) ) if len(model_warnings) > 0: status = "DISQUALIFIED" else: status = "QUALIFIED" return CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel( model_type=model_type, formula=formula, status=status, warnings=model_warnings, model_params=model_params, model=model, result=result, r_squared_adj=r_squared_adj, )
[docs]def get_cdd_hdd_candidate_models( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_cdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, ): """Return a list of candidate cdd_hdd models for a particular selection of cooling balance point and heating balance point Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and 1 to n columns each of the form ``hdd_<heating_balance_point>`` and ``cdd_<cooling_balance_point>``. DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. minimum_non_zero_cdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero cooling degree day values. minimum_non_zero_hdd : :any:`int` Minimum allowable number of non-zero heating degree day values. minimum_total_cdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of cooling degree day values. minimum_total_hdd : :any:`float` Minimum allowable total sum of heating degree day values. beta_cdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta cdd parameter. beta_hdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float` The maximum allowable p-value of the beta hdd parameter. weights_col : :any:`str` or None The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. Returns ------- candidate_models : :any:`list` of :any:`CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A list of cdd_hdd candidate models, with any associated warnings. """ cooling_balance_points = [ int(col[4:]) for col in data.columns if col.startswith("cdd") ] heating_balance_points = [ int(col[4:]) for col in data.columns if col.startswith("hdd") ] # CalTrack candidate_models = [ get_single_cdd_hdd_candidate_model( data, minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_cdd, minimum_total_hdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col, cooling_balance_point, heating_balance_point, ) for cooling_balance_point in cooling_balance_points for heating_balance_point in heating_balance_points if heating_balance_point <= cooling_balance_point ] return candidate_models
[docs]def select_best_candidate(candidate_models): """Select and return the best candidate model based on r-squared and qualification. Parameters ---------- candidate_models : :any:`list` of :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` Candidate models to select from. Returns ------- (best_candidate, warnings) : :any:`tuple` of :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` or :any:`None` and :any:`list` of `eemeter.EEMeterWarning` Return the candidate model with highest r-squared or None if none meet the requirements, and a list of warnings about this selection (or lack of selection). """ best_r_squared_adj = -np.inf best_candidate = None # CalTrack for candidate in candidate_models: if ( candidate.status == "QUALIFIED" and candidate.r_squared_adj > best_r_squared_adj ): best_candidate = candidate best_r_squared_adj = candidate.r_squared_adj if best_candidate is None: warnings = [ EEMeterWarning( qualified_name="eemeter.caltrack_daily.select_best_candidate.no_candidates", description="No qualified model candidates available.", data={ "status_count:{}".format(status): count for status, count in Counter( [c.status for c in candidate_models] ).items() }, ) ] return None, warnings return best_candidate, []
[docs]def fit_caltrack_usage_per_day_model( data, fit_cdd=True, use_billing_presets=False, minimum_non_zero_cdd=10, minimum_non_zero_hdd=10, minimum_total_cdd=20, minimum_total_hdd=20, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value=1, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value=1, weights_col=None, fit_intercept_only=True, fit_cdd_only=True, fit_hdd_only=True, fit_cdd_hdd=True, ): """CalTRACK daily and billing methods using a usage-per-day modeling strategy. Parameters ---------- data : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and 1 to n columns each of the form ``hdd_<heating_balance_point>`` and ``cdd_<cooling_balance_point>``. DataFrames of this form can be made using the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` or :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` methods. Should have a :any:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`. fit_cdd : :any:`bool`, optional If True, fit CDD models unless overridden by ``fit_cdd_only`` or ``fit_cdd_hdd`` flags. Should be set to ``False`` for gas meter data. use_billing_presets : :any:`bool`, optional Use presets appropriate for billing models. Otherwise defaults are appropriate for daily models. minimum_non_zero_cdd : :any:`int`, optional Minimum allowable number of non-zero cooling degree day values. minimum_non_zero_hdd : :any:`int`, optional Minimum allowable number of non-zero heating degree day values. minimum_total_cdd : :any:`float`, optional Minimum allowable total sum of cooling degree day values. minimum_total_hdd : :any:`float`, optional Minimum allowable total sum of heating degree day values. beta_cdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float`, optional The maximum allowable p-value of the beta cdd parameter. The default value is the most permissive possible (i.e., 1). This is here for backwards compatibility with CalTRACK 1.0 methods. beta_hdd_maximum_p_value : :any:`float`, optional The maximum allowable p-value of the beta hdd parameter. The default value is the most permissive possible (i.e., 1). This is here for backwards compatibility with CalTRACK 1.0 methods. weights_col : :any:`str` or None, optional The name of the column (if any) in ``data`` to use as weights. Weight must be the number of days of data in the period. fit_intercept_only : :any:`bool`, optional If True, fit and consider intercept_only model candidates. fit_cdd_only : :any:`bool`, optional If True, fit and consider cdd_only model candidates. Ignored if ``fit_cdd=False``. fit_hdd_only : :any:`bool`, optional If True, fit and consider hdd_only model candidates. fit_cdd_hdd : :any:`bool`, optional If True, fit and consider cdd_hdd model candidates. Ignored if ``fit_cdd=False``. Returns ------- model_results : :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults` Results of running CalTRACK daily method. See :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults` for more details. """ if use_billing_presets: # CalTrack minimum_non_zero_cdd = 0 minimum_non_zero_hdd = 0 # CalTrack minimum_total_cdd = 20 minimum_total_hdd = 20 # CalTrack 3.4.2 if weights_col is None: raise ValueError( "If using billing presets, the weights_col argument must be specified." ) interval = "billing" else: interval = "daily" # cleans data to fully NaN rows that have missing temp or meter data data = overwrite_partial_rows_with_nan(data) if data.dropna().empty: return CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults( status="NO DATA", method_name="caltrack_usage_per_day", warnings=[ EEMeterWarning( qualified_name="eemeter.caltrack_usage_per_day.no_data", description=("No data available. Cannot fit model."), data={}, ) ], ) # collect all candidate results, then validate all at once # CalTrack candidates = [] if fit_intercept_only: candidates.extend( get_intercept_only_candidate_models(data, weights_col=weights_col) ) if fit_hdd_only: candidates.extend( get_hdd_only_candidate_models( data=data, minimum_non_zero_hdd=minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_hdd=minimum_total_hdd, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value=beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col=weights_col, ) ) # cdd models ignored for gas if fit_cdd: if fit_cdd_only: candidates.extend( get_cdd_only_candidate_models( data=data, minimum_non_zero_cdd=minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_total_cdd=minimum_total_cdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value=beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col=weights_col, ) ) if fit_cdd_hdd: candidates.extend( get_cdd_hdd_candidate_models( data=data, minimum_non_zero_cdd=minimum_non_zero_cdd, minimum_non_zero_hdd=minimum_non_zero_hdd, minimum_total_cdd=minimum_total_cdd, minimum_total_hdd=minimum_total_hdd, beta_cdd_maximum_p_value=beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, beta_hdd_maximum_p_value=beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, weights_col=weights_col, ) ) # find best candidate result best_candidate, candidate_warnings = select_best_candidate(candidates) warnings = candidate_warnings if best_candidate is None: status = "NO MODEL" r_squared_adj = None else: status = "SUCCESS" r_squared_adj = best_candidate.r_squared_adj model_result = CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults( status=status, method_name="caltrack_usage_per_day", interval=interval, model=best_candidate, candidates=candidates, r_squared_adj=r_squared_adj, warnings=warnings, settings={ "fit_cdd": fit_cdd, "minimum_non_zero_cdd": minimum_non_zero_cdd, "minimum_non_zero_hdd": minimum_non_zero_hdd, "minimum_total_cdd": minimum_total_cdd, "minimum_total_hdd": minimum_total_hdd, "beta_cdd_maximum_p_value": beta_cdd_maximum_p_value, "beta_hdd_maximum_p_value": beta_hdd_maximum_p_value, }, ) if best_candidate is not None: if best_candidate.model_type in ["cdd_hdd"]: num_parameters = 2 elif best_candidate.model_type in ["hdd_only", "cdd_only"]: num_parameters = 1 else: num_parameters = 0 predicted_avgs = _caltrack_predict_design_matrix( best_candidate.model_type, best_candidate.model_params, data, input_averages=True, output_averages=True, ) model_result.avgs_metrics = ModelMetrics( data.meter_value, predicted_avgs, num_parameters ) predicted_totals = _caltrack_predict_design_matrix( best_candidate.model_type, best_candidate.model_params, data, input_averages=True, output_averages=False, ) days_per_period = day_counts(data.index) data_totals = data.meter_value * days_per_period model_result.totals_metrics = ModelMetrics( data_totals, predicted_totals, num_parameters ) return model_result
[docs]def caltrack_sufficiency_criteria( data_quality, requested_start, requested_end, num_days=365, min_fraction_daily_coverage=0.9, # TODO: needs to be per year min_fraction_hourly_temperature_coverage_per_period=0.9, ): """CalTRACK daily data sufficiency criteria. .. note:: For CalTRACK compliance, ``min_fraction_daily_coverage`` must be set at ``0.9`` (section, and requested_start and requested_end must not be None (section 2.2.4). Parameters ---------- data_quality : :any:`pandas.DataFrame` A DataFrame containing at least the column ``meter_value`` and the two columns ``temperature_null``, containing a count of null hourly temperature values for each meter value, and ``temperature_not_null``, containing a count of not-null hourly temperature values for each meter value. Should have a :any:`pandas.DatetimeIndex`. requested_start : :any:`datetime.datetime`, timezone aware (or :any:`None`) The desired start of the period, if any, especially if this is different from the start of the data. If given, warnings are reported on the basis of this start date instead of data start date. Must be explicitly set to ``None`` in order to use data start date. requested_end : :any:`datetime.datetime`, timezone aware (or :any:`None`) The desired end of the period, if any, especially if this is different from the end of the data. If given, warnings are reported on the basis of this end date instead of data end date. Must be explicitly set to ``None`` in order to use data end date. num_days : :any:`int`, optional Exact number of days allowed in data, including extent given by ``requested_start`` or ``requested_end``, if given. min_fraction_daily_coverage : :any:, optional Minimum fraction of days of data in total data extent for which data must be available. min_fraction_hourly_temperature_coverage_per_period=0.9, Minimum fraction of hours of temperature data coverage in a particular period. Anything below this causes the whole period to be considered considered missing. Returns ------- data_sufficiency : :any:`eemeter.DataSufficiency` The an object containing sufficiency status and warnings for this data. """ criteria_name = "caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" if data_quality.dropna().empty: return DataSufficiency( status="NO DATA", criteria_name=criteria_name, warnings=[ EEMeterWarning( qualified_name="eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria.no_data", description=("No data available."), data={}, ) ], ) data_start = data_quality.index.min().tz_convert("UTC") data_end = data_quality.index.max().tz_convert("UTC") n_days_data = (data_end - data_start).days if requested_start is not None: # check for gap at beginning requested_start = requested_start.astimezone(pytz.UTC) n_days_start_gap = (data_start - requested_start).days else: n_days_start_gap = 0 if requested_end is not None: # check for gap at end requested_end = requested_end.astimezone(pytz.UTC) n_days_end_gap = (requested_end - data_end).days else: n_days_end_gap = 0 critical_warnings = [] if n_days_end_gap < 0: # CalTRACK 2.2.4 critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".extra_data_after_requested_end_date" ), description=("Extra data found after requested end date."), data={ "requested_end": requested_end.isoformat(), "data_end": data_end.isoformat(), }, ) ) n_days_end_gap = 0 if n_days_start_gap < 0: # CalTRACK 2.2.4 critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".extra_data_before_requested_start_date" ), description=("Extra data found before requested start date."), data={ "requested_start": requested_start.isoformat(), "data_start": data_start.isoformat(), }, ) ) n_days_start_gap = 0 n_days_total = n_days_data + n_days_start_gap + n_days_end_gap n_negative_meter_values = data_quality.meter_value[ data_quality.meter_value < 0 ].shape[0] if n_negative_meter_values > 0: # CalTrack 2.3.5 critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".negative_meter_values" ), description=( "Found negative meter data values, which may indicate presence" " of solar net metering." ), data={"n_negative_meter_values": n_negative_meter_values}, ) ) # TODO(philngo): detect and report unsorted or repeated values. # create masks showing which daily or billing periods meet criteria valid_meter_value_rows = data_quality.meter_value.notnull() valid_temperature_rows = ( data_quality.temperature_not_null / (data_quality.temperature_not_null + data_quality.temperature_null) ) > min_fraction_hourly_temperature_coverage_per_period valid_rows = valid_meter_value_rows & valid_temperature_rows # get number of days per period - for daily this should be a series of ones row_day_counts = day_counts(data_quality.index) # apply masks, giving total n_valid_meter_value_days = int((valid_meter_value_rows * row_day_counts).sum()) n_valid_temperature_days = int((valid_temperature_rows * row_day_counts).sum()) n_valid_days = int((valid_rows * row_day_counts).sum()) median = data_quality.meter_value.median() upper_quantile = data_quality.meter_value.quantile(0.75) lower_quantile = data_quality.meter_value.quantile(0.25) iqr = upper_quantile - lower_quantile extreme_value_limit = median + (3 * iqr) n_extreme_values = data_quality.meter_value[ data_quality.meter_value > extreme_value_limit ].shape[0] max_value = float(data_quality.meter_value.max()) if n_days_total > 0: fraction_valid_meter_value_days = n_valid_meter_value_days / float(n_days_total) fraction_valid_temperature_days = n_valid_temperature_days / float(n_days_total) fraction_valid_days = n_valid_days / float(n_days_total) else: # unreachable, I think. fraction_valid_meter_value_days = 0 fraction_valid_temperature_days = 0 fraction_valid_days = 0 if n_days_total != num_days: critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".incorrect_number_of_total_days" ), description=("Total data span does not match the required value."), data={"num_days": num_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total}, ) ) if fraction_valid_days < min_fraction_daily_coverage: critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".too_many_days_with_missing_data" ), description=( "Too many days in data have missing meter data or" " temperature data." ), data={"n_valid_days": n_valid_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total}, ) ) if fraction_valid_meter_value_days < min_fraction_daily_coverage: critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".too_many_days_with_missing_meter_data" ), description=("Too many days in data have missing meter data."), data={ "n_valid_meter_data_days": n_valid_meter_value_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, ) ) if fraction_valid_temperature_days < min_fraction_daily_coverage: critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".too_many_days_with_missing_temperature_data" ), description=("Too many days in data have missing temperature data."), data={ "n_valid_temperature_data_days": n_valid_temperature_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, ) ) if len(critical_warnings) > 0: status = "FAIL" else: status = "PASS" non_critical_warnings = [] if n_extreme_values > 0: # CalTRACK 2.3.6 non_critical_warnings.append( EEMeterWarning( qualified_name=( "eemeter.caltrack_sufficiency_criteria" ".extreme_values_detected" ), description=( "Extreme values (greater than (median + (3 * IQR))," " must be flagged for manual review." ), data={ "n_extreme_values": n_extreme_values, "median": median, "upper_quantile": upper_quantile, "lower_quantile": lower_quantile, "extreme_value_limit": extreme_value_limit, "max_value": max_value, }, ) ) warnings = critical_warnings + non_critical_warnings sufficiency_data = { "extra_data_after_requested_end_date": { "requested_end": requested_end.isoformat() if requested_end else None, "data_end": data_end.isoformat(), "n_days_end_gap": n_days_end_gap, }, "extra_data_before_requested_start_date": { "requested_start": requested_start.isoformat() if requested_start else None, "data_start": data_start.isoformat(), "n_days_start_gap": n_days_start_gap, }, "negative_meter_values": {"n_negative_meter_values": n_negative_meter_values}, "incorrect_number_of_total_days": { "num_days": num_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, "too_many_days_with_missing_data": { "n_valid_days": n_valid_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, "too_many_days_with_missing_meter_data": { "n_valid_meter_data_days": n_valid_meter_value_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, "too_many_days_with_missing_temperature_data": { "n_valid_temperature_data_days": n_valid_temperature_days, "n_days_total": n_days_total, }, "extreme_values_detected": { "n_extreme_values": n_extreme_values, "median": median, "upper_quantile": upper_quantile, "lower_quantile": lower_quantile, "extreme_value_limit": extreme_value_limit, "max_value": max_value, }, } return DataSufficiency( status=status, criteria_name=criteria_name, warnings=warnings, data=sufficiency_data, settings={ "num_days": num_days, "min_fraction_daily_coverage": min_fraction_daily_coverage, "min_fraction_hourly_temperature_coverage_per_period": min_fraction_hourly_temperature_coverage_per_period, }, )
[docs]def plot_caltrack_candidate( candidate, best=False, ax=None, title=None, figsize=None, temp_range=None, alpha=None, **kwargs ): """Plot a CalTRACK candidate model. Parameters ---------- candidate : :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel` A candidate model with a predict function. best : :any:`bool`, optional Whether this is the best candidate or not. ax : :any:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Existing axes to plot on. title : :any:`str`, optional Chart title. figsize : :any:`tuple`, optional (width, height) of chart. temp_range : :any:`tuple`, optional (min, max) temperatures to plot model. alpha : :any:`float` between 0 and 1, optional Transparency, 0 fully transparent, 1 fully opaque. **kwargs Keyword arguments for :any:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot` Returns ------- ax : :any:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axes. """ try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting.") if figsize is None: figsize = (10, 4) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) if candidate.status == "QUALIFIED": color = "C2" elif candidate.status == "DISQUALIFIED": color = "C3" else: return if best: color = "C1" alpha = 1 temp_min, temp_max = (30, 90) if temp_range is None else temp_range temps = np.arange(temp_min, temp_max) data = {"n_days": np.ones(temps.shape)} prediction_index = pd.date_range( "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z", periods=len(temps), freq="D" ) temps_hourly = pd.Series(temps, index=prediction_index).resample("H").ffill() prediction = candidate.predict( prediction_index, temps_hourly, "daily" ).result.predicted_usage plot_kwargs = {"color": color, "alpha": alpha or 0.3} plot_kwargs.update(kwargs) ax.plot(temps, prediction, **plot_kwargs) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) return ax